Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tired But Not Retired

I thought exercise was good but now I'm aching all over. Not so much on my arms but my feet, calves and thighs, they can barely move. Based on my extensive research, I have found that there are always causes and effects and a reason to why things happen the way they do. 

Scientific Approach:

Causes: Futsal (legs), badminton (arms and legs) and shopping (legs). 

Effects: Legs are more tired than the arms.

Explanation: Legs are used 3 times while arms are used only once. Other factors remain constant (ceteris paribus). Overall, the tiredness factor is weighed more heavily to the legs having 3/4 and the arms only having 1/4 out of a fully tired basis. Wow that surely was some serious monster-like calculations!

Philosophical View:

Reason to why things happen the way they do: It's fated that I study today.

Explanation: I promised Fei Mao that I'll let her use the laptop in the afternoon and evening. My legs can't move much, so I'll be sitting at one spot only. My hands and arms are free to move, therefore flipping pages will be a breeze. As I have nothing to do at home today and it is my responsibility to study, so be it. 

That certainly was a long and useful research that I've spent minutes on =P 

And now, it's time for more random pics:

If you can read (fish) lips, the last thing it said before it got hit and died was "Nooooo!"

(Is that right Professional-Lip-Reader Panda?) lol

I never liked dolls coz they scare the monkey out of me

And this one, imagine that doll is creeping behind me like poor Mr. Bear, that would have scared the monkey out of the monkey that has been scared out of me

To be a magnolia out of dutch ladies - A person who is truly different from the rest

To be a sunkist out of daisies - A person who hides in disguise (aka spy)

This used to be a mini lake, now it's almost dried up

It's weird that the middle is seperated in almost 1 straight line!

Let me introduce my friends to you, they sleep by my side everyday. 
(L to R: Monkey, Monkey, Koala, Monkey, Monkey)

They do not know how to translate properly. 
Lepas pakai tolong tarik tali = After wearing please pull string

Ok, time to pass the laptop to Fei Mao. Ciao!

Btw, did anyone realize there were 2 consecutive Friday the 13ths this year?

(P.s. I'll try my best not to make you sesat tomorrow Bunny! It isn't mission impossible, so don't worry too much k? lol)

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