Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monkey + Exams = Discipline

I can't believe how discplined I am these days. Sleep before 12am and wake up at 8am everyday! On top of that, study 4-5 chapters a day! (Actually got time to study 1-2 chapters more, just that I want to play games) =P

However, it could be that I'm not studying properly or I'm using a wrong study method, uh oh. Btw, I learnt a new word over the week and it sure brings a very deep meaning: veracity. Only 4 people know what I'm talking about and I surely hope it remains so else O.o!

Bro's leaving to Australia tonight, umm ok. BUT he's taking my Adidas shoes, my 2-week-old Adidas shoes! It just so happened that his shoes have little holes in them, not suited for the cold Australian weather. And that my other 7 pairs of shoes cannot fit his feet (my shoes have different sizes but I can wear all of them). Anyway, I hope my dear shoes are ok coz I specified some rules for him:

1. No tiptoeing or bending the front part (might cause crack lines)
2. No stepping in mud/puddles (rear part of the shoe is white)
3. No sports

Now I feel like a regulator imposing stringent rules and policies.

Random pics:

Clowns are funny even when some of them aren't living creatures. This one here welcomes the black car into the shop.

Then he blocks the entrance hahahaha

Because of the no microwave rule at home (mum 200% dislikes cooking smell), I had to eat this 3-4 hours old burger patty with solid cheese and solid egg. Lucky I only eat what's between the buns of the burger. Else I'll fit this bundled product between 2 slices of Gardenia bread, making it solider.

Wow! That MITSUBISHI car is so uberly COOOOOOOOOOOL! It was never sold before by Mitsubishi.

Remember the Giant & Cold Storage vs Tesco pic? Now it's Tesco vs Giant & Cold Storage.

They attack each other in the papers, what a boring battle.

P.s. I probably won't be posting anytime soon, might take a week or two coz exams are over there. There, around that corner there, still cannot see ah?

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