Saturday, July 25, 2009


First week of uni,
I felt like a baloney,
Subjects were not one bit funny,
For this brain so puny.

Friday's futsal, it was sunny,
Lucky no need use money,
At first, I was speedy like a bunny,
Then slew down like the flow of honey.

Not bad right? :P

Is the driver an Ah Long?

If crows eat clean food, maybe they'll be white in colour

My windscreen got scratches and dirt, but that's not the subject matter. It's about the black Audi A8, number plate B27 (rarely see a single letter number plate)

How can this scissors have a soft handle when it's handle is made out of steel?

I really need to buy this love cup, it gives me cool!

Now that's a seriously terrible typo

What makes the frog so happy? Obviously, it's money

Multi-use eh? Can help me score HD? :P

Braised lamb with dried chilli. Looks good, except that's a LOT OF BONE MARROW!

I'm not sure if silver pineapples give luck, thought must be colourful only it'll work?

Guess what are these guys doing? (Answers after the next pic)

Whew! Thank goodness!


When people play, it always reminds me of making satay

Now some pics of Hyundai cars, I'm not much of a fan but just snapped a few pics due to boredom in OU.

Is the word Genesis new?

I like the rear, reminds me of umm well, it doesn't remind me of anything but it looks neat!

The battle begins: Hyundai Equus vs Hyundai Genesis (not coupe)

The little bird helps improve the aerodynamics of the car

The little wings may cause air friction

Front: Equus wins!

Looks big

Just as big, but I snapped more of the car

Side: Genesis wins!


Not as shiny and have logo similar to that of Mini's (copycat)

Rims: Equus wins!

VS460! Sounds like a monster!

Genesis only? Yawnnnn

Rear: Equus wins!


P.s. Man I'm soooo good at comparing cars! Next time you wanna buy car and have trouble comparing between your main picks, just ask me! :P

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Byebye Sem 1, hihi Sem 2

Oh tomorrow,
How you bring sorrow,
Once more I have to follow,
All the crazy units that I do not know.

It's back to Monash,
Lucky no classes clash,
And as usual I'll dash,
To see that one too many eyelash.

Don't mind me, I just like rhyming words :P

Random Pics:

Since 2001, the owner used it for only 49km? That's like 1-2 days of an average person going to work and coming back home.

Since my camera doesn't look like that, it's ok for me to take pics right?

Mixed angels are really mixed up, they dunno whether want to remain as a fish or become angels. At least 2 of them have discovered the right path.

Quote of the day!

Kesian this Shaq person

I can't imagine what I would become if I were to drink that juice

Now that's a puzzle. The Kancil and Kelisa only require one step to go out but the van and lorry require two steps.

That's called a plastic side skirt. Very easy to install, fits all cars and gives a unique look (and sound)!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Look Stupid, Act Smart

What's happening to the world?! Why has it turned against me? It really is very disappointing putting your all into something yet that something just didn't work. Ok, here's the story: Wake up early (struggled) - Sungei Wang - NO LALA! - disappointed.

But if I look at the bright side, I finally fixed my bluetooth antenna for my handphone. Now, I don't have to use my Bluetooth in an Infrared way! Wheeeee! Well, that was done at Lowyat Plaza, amazing that they actually have each spare part for handphones. I wonder if it's cheaper buying spare parts and construct a phone or just buying a phone as it is.

I think because I always have some kind of blur look and the fact that I can't speak or understand chinese, people think I'm dumb. Ok, a conversation between me and this conman.

Me: Excuse me, how much for a screen protector for W810?
Shop seller: RM45.
Me: O.o
Shop seller: Okla, I give you VERY good discount, RM35!
Me: No thank you.
Shop seller: (look at me in a pissed way) Then how much you want hah?
Me: Sorry, byebye. (too bad you didn't manage to con me, I hope I made you more pissed haha)

By the way, I'm pretty sure that screen protector's cost is easily below RM3. And for that particular screen protector, usually people sell it at RM7-10 (I was scouting for the cheapest price).

Well, it kinda feels good actually. Sometimes I just act all the way like I know nuts about some gadget, let the seller say as much untrue stuff as he wants to convince me, pretend I'm so interested as if I'm going to buy that product at that very moment to make him think he has managed to con me, and finally say, "Thank you, byebye."


At least I get to know who's honest and who's not. All it takes is to do some extra research on the internet hehe

Random pics:

Real crocs at Taman Megah Pasar Malam selling at RM38. I'm 80% convinced they are real, but there's always some part of me that think nothing can be too good to be true. I'll check next week again.

Why not? It's not like they have dog flu right?

After Hang Tuah is Hang Jebat right?

Whether it's RM60k or RM600k, it doesn't bother me coz I'm not affected lol

I wonder how this works, but it surely isn't like what I think, "A scheme to cut the pay of government servants"

This guy Loh is destined to be a locksmith. Loh Key = Locky

Now this is what I call DIY -> Open the package before purchasing

To cook rubbish?

I don't like cloth shops, especially when I'm alone. Who knows what's under there?

Malaysian Christmas trees! Can last all summer, oh wait, it's forever summer here.

MU3 (Don't ask me why I put this here, I'm fascinated by number plates, that's all)

Saga 7-series version ah? See, the door so long

People use facial mask. Cars use butt mask. Bet you didn't know that!

First time ever I see an Avanza with a speed limit sticker. (Actually, this car's doing some business but I forgot what already)

Yikes 1am already!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Productive Week! ^_^

1st Part - Screwdriver

It was a very historical day yesterday, 4th July 2009. For the first time in 20 years, I bought a SCREWDRIVER! Proud to say it's my very own screwdriver! Not an ordinary philips or flat but a T6, it's hexagon-like. RM8.90 at Ace Hardware. Ok, I better not go on and on else I'll be writing a 2,000 word essay.

Cushion grip, magnetized tip, matt finish bar. Wah! So many features!

I plan to sleep with my screwdriver everyday, I already put it by my bedside.

2nd Part - W810 cover

Well, I wouldn't buy anything without reason. It was for dismantling my W810 and putting all parts to its original cover. Armed with a:

- T6 screwdriver
- Philips screwdriver
- Flat screwdriver
- Penknife (to cut open the sides, ooh the riskiness!)
- Laptop (to browse pics of dismantled W810s)
- Cloth (to wipe the LCD screen)
- Dad (ok, I got to admit, he did 75% of the work for me)

Now I finally know why the shop charged me RM30 for their 1 hour work last time. There was a lot of tension, stress, pressure and strain. And if you realized, they all mean the same coz I thesaurus-ed the word 'stress'.

It took almost 4 hours to change everything. I faced so many wen-ti. Well, my camera button finally works properly and my cover looks white once more. But I realized my Bluetooth antenna was missing. No wonder my Bluetooth works like an Infrared (I bet it was the shop's fault). Here's my old cover:

Look at that side, OUCH!

Look at this side too, ADUH!

Look at its bum, AIYAYAI!

Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967 question:

Does this replacement qualify as a capital expenditure? Initially, it was a new phone. After 1 year, I replaced the cover as its buttons looked old. However, the camera button seemed harder to press after replacement. After another 1-2 years, the condition of the phone looks like the pictures above. So, I changed back to its old cover which looks better even though the buttons still look old but now the camera button works with ease. What's your say on this?

3rd Part - Wira

I had a major timing problem. I planned to buy lunch and fetch Fei Mao from school right after that. BUT I was 30 mins too early as I arrived at school.

Middle compartment area

Below the handbrake

Rubbish that I managed to pull out from below that handbrake place

Second view, I just wanted to emphasize on that Sushi Soy Sauce hehe

Amazing how much stuff the BOTTOM of my middle compartment can store right?

4th Part - Taiping Trip

Calvin (host) - Sleeping Buddha pose

Kenneth - Belated birthday boy

Choon & Yun Theng - The couple

Jit Hoong - Smartboy

Tsui Han - PSP boy

Chia Her - Finance King

Me - Monkeyboy doing "Last Stand" (COD4 perk)

Ee Ker - The dog that recently got its name after I learnt the a bit of Mandarin

What's with the knives?

To cut this milipede of course :P

I see some gender confusion here

Choon, you're good at futsal but kicking trees ummmmmmm

Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Couple


What are we looking at? I forgot already

Question: What's the reason we came all the way to Taiping zoo?

Answer: Ara ara! Arapaima! (that's how it'll sounds like if it's a Pokemon)

Arapaima, I choose you!

Oh wait, what's happening to Arapaima?

Congratulations! Arapaima evolved into a Fake Gharial!

Orangutan feeling so lonely

So orangutan observes from far

Target detected: Chimpanzee

The outsider

Otters posing for us

Stock price going up ah, Chia her?

I knew we shouldn't bring Smartboy to the zoo, now he's gonna turn into the Incredible Hulk!






(Kenneth, I think we got potential to become Bollywood stars)

Looking cool!

Sleeping handsomes

Packed our stuff

Moments before we departed, I think everyone was thinking: Finally! I was so sick of seeing the same faces everyday! haha

After 3 days of living in traditional Taiping, we learnt a very good lesson.


Last Part - Random Pics

(air ini bukan untuk diminum/non drinking water)

Isn't this stating the obvious?

A lifetime supply of tissue paper

Hello Kitty car driven by a man (can't see the face though)

(waktu perniagaan: 10.30am hingga habis)

Really odd working hours

This school's like a prison, so many children locked inside

I might have a problem here

Because I don't see any pails to flush the toilet

They're suggesting we use shampoo and wash our heads in the basin

(break 1 free 1)

I don't see any business sense at all


LIBFS? What kind of number plate is this?